Music Program
Schedules and Policies
Rehearsals during the school day are as follows:

Mondays  - 6th Grade BAND
Tuesdays - 7th Grade BAND / 8th Grade CHORUS
Wednesdays - 8th Grade BAND / 7th Grade CHORUS
Thursdays - 7/8 ORCHESTRA / 6th Grade CHORUS
Fridays - 6th Grade ORCHESTRA

All instrumental groups report immediately to the band room
at 8:20. Do not go to your advisory first!

Choruses will meet at 8:30 after checking in at T & D

**Instrumental and Vocal lessons take place during the school day**


Mondays - Jazz Band
Tuesdays - Recorder Ensemble/ Boys Close Harmony
Alternating Orchestra and Bands
Wednesdays - Drama
Alternating Orchestra and Bands
Thursdays - Orff Ensemble/ Rosettes and
Alternating Orchestra and Bands

**A monthly after school rehearsal schedule is given out in September. It is for the entire school year. Since all rehearsals are scheduled well in advance, all members must make every attempt to attend, as these rehearsals are mandatory.
Below you will find the policies, procedures and rehearsal schedules for all performing groups at Rosa. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
email me

Membership in the bands, orchestra and choruses requires attendance at all scheduled rehearsals during the day, and all members will be given a grade for participation in these "electives" (and the corresponding lessons) as per district policy (see below grading policy).

Since rehearsals take place during the advisory
(T & D) period, there is rarely a reason for missing, and all absences must be approved by the director in advance. If a student chooses to miss a rehearsal for another activity, he/she will receive a grade of zero for that particular rehearsal. Several absences during the marking period could jeopardize the grade and result in dismissal from the group.

It is important that all members attend all rehearsals, as time is very limited and each ensemble relies on the entire group in order to meet its fullest potential. Therefore, it is important to make every attempt to attend, or notify your director of any conflicts.

As a member of these performing groups, you will also be required to attend regularly scheduled lessons once a week (or every 8 days for vocal workshop). These lessons/workshops are the only way to advance as a musician and work on individual issues and improvement. Your "music elective" grade will be based on ensemble rehearsal attendance and lesson attendance/preparation.

Because you will be attending instrumental lessons during academic instruction time, we realize that certain conflicts may arise from time to time that prohibit you from attending:

Science Experiments
Presentations or Group Projects
Special Guest Speaker

If this occurs, you MUST notify the teacher in advance so that alternate arrangements can be made. However, if you miss a lesson without notification you will receive a grade of zero for that lesson.  Your music teacher will make every attempt to accommodate you, but we all have to work together to make these programs successful.


As per the Cherry Hill Schools music program curriculum policy, all students enrolled in the instrumental and/or vocal music program will receive a grade for participation in the performance elective of their choice. Grades will be based on each student meeting the following criteria:

1. Attendance at every rehearsal
2. Attend regularly scheduled weekly lessons
3. Must attend the Winter and Spring Concerts (required) **
4. When a conflict arises which interferes with the regularly scheduled lesson (see above vocal/instrumental lessons), students must contact the director and make arrangements to make up that lesson
5. Take and pass periodic performance and/or written tests (always with advanced notice)
6. Prepare all music for lessons and performance

** If a situation arises in which a student is unable to attend a concert after all other options have been exhausted, that student must present the director with a written note from his/her guardian.  In order to make up the grade for that performance, a 2-page report will be required within 2 weeks of the concert,  the topic will be assigned by the director.

As with all subject areas, grading the students is not meant to penalize them, but rather to track their progress and acknowledge the hard work and effort involved in participating in a performance organization.

Any questions, please feel free to contact us.
CLICK HERE for a copy of the  Bands and Orchestras after school rehearsal calendar
Special Area Handbook
For a copy of the
Vocal Music
Course Expectations
and Guidelines
CLICK HERE (in .pdf)
For a copy of the Instrumental Music Course Expectations and Guidelines 
For a copy of the Instrumental Music Rotating Lessons Schedules
CLICK HERE (in .pdf)