Lesson Schedules
Instrumental lessons take place once a week during the school day. Each lesson lasts 30 or 40  minutes and is an essential part of the developmental process for a middle school musician. 

Instrumental students will attend these lessons during instruction time. The lessons rotate throughout the day in an effort to miss a minimal amount of academic instruction on a regular basis. It is up to the student to know when his/her lesson is and be prepared to attend. Choral students will attend vocal workshops in lieu of music class once every eight days as part of the Special Area/Exploratory schedule.

See the Schedules and Policies Link for more information on attendance requirements and the grading procedure.
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Instrumental Music Lesson Schedule
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Vocal lessons now take place during the scheduled  exploratory times. If you are enrolled in chorus, you have selected to take vocal workshop and this will meet during specials for 55 minutes every 8 days. 

For more information on the chorus program click here.
Click here for a printable copy of the Instrumental Lesson Schedule for GROUPS 1 - 30:
October - December 2012

Click here for a copy of the 6th Grade STRING Lesson Schedule for GROUPS A - G:
September - December 2012

Vocal Lesson Schedules